Uniform and Equipment
Information from Different Class (click here)
Order direct from Different Class using the internet shop at www.differentclassschoolwear.co.uk and paying via Paypal or credit card. There is a link from the school website to the online shop. The user name is holmergreen and the password is senior
Any queries or returns can be dealt with by calling Different Class direct, NOT THE SCHOOL.
Email: Enquiries@differentclassuk.com
Internet Shop: www.differentclassschoolwear.co.uk
Supplier: Different Class
Unit 9 Wessex Road
Wessex Industrial Estate
Bourne End
01628 531821
Postal charges. Parents have the option of having uniform delivered to the school which can either be collected by the parent or by their son or daughter.
All items of clothing must be clearly named. You may find this link helpful:
Full uniform is expected for formal occasions such as exams and assemblies.
We hold a large amount of second hand uniform in school which is available, free of charge, on request from parents.
Pupil Premium students are offered a 50% subsidy for school uniform.
Examples of acceptable uniform below
Sixth Form Dress Code
The dress code is designed to ensure that students are role models for the rest of the school. It is essential that all students dress smartly to ensure a professional working environment. The school reserves the right to direct students to return home if they are inappropriately attired. Sanctions will be issued to students who persist in dressing below our expectations.
View the Sixth Form Dress Code
Examples of appropriate 6th Form Dress below
By accepting a place at Holmer Green Senior School, you undertake to provide your child not only with the correct school uniform, but also the necessary equipment.